What Year Did the Pound Coin Come Out

"British coinage" redirects here. For ancient British coinage, see Celtic coins.

British current and historic coinage

Examples of the standard reverse designs minted until 2008. Designed by Christopher Ironside (£2 coin is not shown).

The standard circulating coinage of the United Kingdom, British Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories is denominated in pounds sterling (symbol "£"), and, since the introduction of the two-pound coin in 1994 (issued to celebrate the Bank of England's 300th anniversary), ranges in value from one penny to two pounds. Since decimalisation, on 15 February 1971, the pound has been divided into 100 (new) pence. Before decimalisation, twelve pence made a shilling, and twenty shillings made a pound. British coins are minted by the Royal Mint in Llantrisant, Wales. The Royal Mint also commissions the coins' designs. As of 14 October 2019, there were an estimated 29 billion coins circulating in the United Kingdom.[1]

Decimal coins are minted in copper-plated steel (previously bronze), nickel-plated steel, cupronickel and nickel-brass. The one- and two-pound coins are bimetallic. The coins are discs, except for the twenty pence and fifty pence pieces, which have heptagonal curves of constant width, and one-pound coins, which have twelve edges. All circulating coins have an effigy of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse, and various national and regional designs, and the denomination, on the reverse. All current coins carry an abbreviated Latin inscription whose full form, ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FIDEI DEFENSATRIX, translates to "Elizabeth II, by the grace of God, Queen and Defender of the Faith".

In addition to the circulating coinage, the UK also mints commemorative decimal coins (crowns) in the denomination of five pounds. Ceremonial Maundy money and bullion coinage of gold sovereigns, half sovereigns, and gold and silver Britannia coins are also produced. Some territories outside the United Kingdom, which use the pound sterling, produce their own coinage, with the same denominations and specifications as the UK coinage but with local designs.

The English silver penny was derived from another silver coin, the sceat, of 20 troy grains weight, which was in general circulation in Europe during the Middle Ages. In the 12th century, Henry II established the sterling silver standard for English coinage, of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper, replacing the earlier use of fine silver in the Middle Ages. The coinage reform of 1816 set up a weight/value ratio and physical sizes for silver coins. Silver was eliminated from coins, except Maundy coins, in 1947.

History [edit]

Manufacture [edit]

The history of the Royal Mint stretches back to AD 886.[2] For many centuries production was in London, initially at the Tower of London, and then at premises nearby in Tower Hill in what is today known as Royal Mint Court. In the 1970s production was transferred to Llantrisant in South Wales.[3] Historically Scotland and England had separate coinage; the last Scottish coins were struck in 1709 shortly after union with England.[4]

Coins were originally hand-hammered — an ancient technique in which two dies are struck together with a blank coin between them. This was the traditional method of manufacturing coins in the Western world from the classical Greek era onwards, in contrast with Asia, where coins were traditionally cast. Milled (that is, machine-made) coins were produced first during the reign of Elizabeth I (1558–1603) and periodically during the subsequent reigns of James I and Charles I, but there was initially opposition to mechanisation from the moneyers, who ensured that most coins continued to be produced by hammering. All British coins produced since 1662 have been milled.

Origins of the penny [edit]

The English penny first appeared in Anglo-Saxon times, as a silver coin. It was derived from another silver coin, the sceat, of 20 troy grains weight, which was in general circulation in Europe during the Middle Ages. The weight of the English penny was fixed at 22+ 12 troy grains (about 1.46 grams) by Offa of Mercia, an 8th-century contemporary of Charlemagne. The coin's designated value, however, was 24 troy grains of silver (one pennyweight, or 1240 of a troy pound, or about 1.56 grams), with the difference being a premium attached by virtue of the minting into coins. Thus, 240 pennyweights made one troy pound of silver in weight, and the monetary value of 240 pennies also became known as a "pound". (240 actual pennies, however, weighed only 5400 troy grains, known as a tower pound, a unit used only by mints. The tower pound was abolished in the 16th century.) The silver penny remained the primary unit of coinage for about 500 years.

The purity, 92.5% silver ("sterling silver") was instituted by Henry II in 1158 with the "Tealby Penny", a hammered coin.

Over the years, the penny was gradually debased until by the 16th century it contained about a third of the silver content of a pure troy 24-grain pennyweight.

Silver content [edit]

From the time of Charlemagne until the 12th century, the silver currency of England was made from the highest purity silver available. But there were disadvantages to minting currency of fine silver, notably the level of wear it suffered, and the ease with which coins could be "clipped", or trimmed.

In the 12th century a new standard for English coinage was established by Henry II — the Sterling silver standard of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. This was a harder-wearing alloy, yet it was still a rather high grade of silver. It went some way towards discouraging the practice of "clipping", though this practice was further discouraged and largely eliminated with the introduction of the milled edge seen on coins today.

During the reign of Henry VIII, the silver content was gradually debased, reaching a low of one-third silver. However, in Edward VI's reign, silver purity was increased to sterling again and the first crowns and half-crowns were produced, dated 1551. From this point onwards till 1920, sterling was the rule.

By 1696, the currency had been seriously weakened by an increase in clipping during the Nine Years' War[5] to the extent that it was decided to recall and replace all hammered silver coinage in circulation.[6] The exercise came close to disaster due to fraud and mismanagement,[7] but was saved by the personal intervention of Isaac Newton after his appointment as Warden of the Mint, a post which was intended to be a sinecure, but which he took seriously.[6] Newton was subsequently given the post of Master of the Mint in 1699. Following the 1707 union between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland, Newton used his previous experience to direct the 1707–1710 Scottish recoinage, resulting in a common currency for the new Kingdom of Great Britain. After 15 September 1709 no further silver coins were ever struck in Scotland.[8]

As a result of a report written by Newton on 21 September 1717 to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury[9] the bimetallic relationship between gold coins and silver coins was changed by Royal proclamation on 22 December 1717, forbidding the exchange of gold guineas for more than 21 silver shillings.[10] Due to differing valuations in other European countries this unintentionally resulted in a silver shortage, as silver coins were used to pay for imports, while exports were paid for in gold, effectively moving Britain from the silver standard to its first gold standard, rather than the bimetallic standard implied by the proclamation.

The coinage reform of 1816 set up a weight/value ratio and physical sizes for silver coins.

In 1920, the silver content of all British coins was reduced from 92.5% to 50%, with some of the remainder consisting of manganese, which caused the coins to tarnish to a very dark colour after they had been in circulation for long. Silver was eliminated altogether in 1947, except for Maundy coinage, which returned to the pre-1920 92.5% silver composition.

The 1816 weight/value ratio and size system survived the debasement of silver in 1920, and the adoption of token coins of cupronickel in 1947. It even persisted after decimalisation for those coins which had equivalents and continued to be minted with their values in new pence. The UK finally abandoned it in 1992 when smaller, more convenient, "silver" coins were introduced.

Monarch's head [edit]

All coins since the 17th century have featured a profile of the current monarch's head. The direction in which they face changes with each successive monarch, a pattern that began with the Stuarts, as shown in the table below:

Facing left Facing right
Cromwell 1653–1658[11] Broad 1656 Oliver Cromwell coin.jpg Charles II 1660–1685 Guinea 641642.jpg
James II 1685–1688 James2coin.jpg William and Mary 1689–1694
William III 1694–1702
William and Mary Guinea 612668.jpg
Anne 1702–1714 Half-crown of Anne.jpg George I 1714–1727 George I Quarter Guinea 641648.jpg
George II 1727–1760 George II Guinea 722655.jpg George III 1760–1820 Sovereign George III 1817 641656.jpg
George IV 1820–1830 Sovereign George IV 1828 651295.jpg William IV 1830–1837 William4coin.jpg
Victoria 1837–1901 Sovereign Victoria 1842 662015.jpg Edward VII 1901–1910 Matte proof 5 pound Edwards VII.jpg
George V 1910–1936 1 penny 1927 george 5.jpg
Edward VIII 1936 EdwardVIIIcoin.jpg (uncirculated issues)
George VI 1936–1952 1937 George VI penny.jpg Elizabeth II 1952–present 1953 half crown obverse.jpg

For the Tudors and pre-Restoration Stuarts, both left- and right-facing portrait images were minted within the reign of a single monarch (left-facing images were more common). In the Middle Ages, portrait images tended to be full face.

There was a small quirk in this alternating pattern when Edward VIII became king in January 1936 and was portrayed facing left, the same as his predecessor George V. This was because Edward thought his left side to be better than his right.[12] However, Edward VIII abdicated in December 1936 and his coins were never put into general circulation. When George VI came to the throne, he had his coins struck with him facing the left, as if Edward VIII's coins had faced right (as they should have done according to tradition). Thus, in a timeline of circulating British coins, George V and VI's coins both feature left-facing portraits, although they follow directly chronologically.

Currently circulating coinage [edit]

Production and distribution [edit]

All genuine UK coins are produced by the Royal Mint. The same coinage is used across the United Kingdom: unlike banknotes, local issues of coins are not produced for different parts of the UK. The pound coin until 2016 was produced in regional designs, but these circulate equally in all parts of the UK (see UK designs, below).

Every year, newly minted coins are checked for size, weight, and composition at a Trial of the Pyx. Essentially the same procedure has been used since the 13th century. Assaying is now done by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths on behalf of HM Treasury.

The 1p and 2p coins from 1971 are the oldest standard-issue coins still in circulation. Pre-decimal crowns are the oldest coins in general that are still legal tender, although they are in practice never encountered in general circulation.[13]

Coins from the British dependencies and territories that use the pound as their currency are sometimes found in change in other jurisdictions. Strictly, they are not legal tender in the United Kingdom; however, since they have the same specifications as UK coins, they are sometimes tolerated in commerce, and can readily be used in vending machines.

UK-issued coins are, on the other hand, generally fully accepted and freely mixed in other British dependencies and territories that use the pound.

An extensive coinage redesign was commissioned by the Royal Mint in 2005, and new designs were gradually introduced into the circulating British coinage from summer 2008. Except for the £1 coin, the pre-2008 coins remain legal tender and are expected to stay in circulation for the foreseeable future.

Coins in circulation [edit]

Estimated as at March 2016[14]

Denomination Number of
Face value
Two pounds 479 957.036
One pound 1,671 1,671.328
Fifty pence 1,053 526.153
Twenty-five pence 81 20
Twenty pence 3,004 600.828
Ten pence 1,713 171.312
Five pence 4,075 203.764
Two pence 6,714 134.273
One penny 11,430 114.299
Total 30,139 4,643.658

Dimensions [edit]

Stated as largest value

Denomination Diameter
Ten pounds 65.0 2.5
Five pounds 38.61 2.89
Two pounds 28.4 2.5
Old one pound 22.5 3.15
2017+ one pound 23.43 2.8
Fifty pence 27.3 1.78
Twenty-five pence 38.61 2.5
Twenty pence 21.4 1.7
Ten pence 24.5 1.85
Five pence 18.0 1.7
Two pence 25.9 2.03
One penny 20.3 1.65

UK decimal coinage history [edit]

Decimalisation [edit]

Since decimalisation on 15 February 1971 the pound (symbol "£") has been divided into 100 pence. (Prior to decimalisation the pound was divided into 20 shillings, each of 12 (old) pence; thus, there were 240 (old) pence to the pound. The value of the pound itself was unchanged by decimalisation.)

The first decimal coins – the five pence (5p) and ten pence (10p) — were introduced in 1968 in the run-up to decimalisation in order to familiarise the public with the new system. These initially circulated alongside the pre-decimal coinage and had the same size and value as the existing one shilling and two shilling coins respectively. The fifty pence (50p) coin followed in 1969, replacing the old ten shilling note. The remaining decimal coins – at the time, the half penny ( 12 p), penny (1p) and two pence (2p) — were issued in 1971 at decimalisation. A quarter-penny coin, to be struck in aluminium, was proposed at the time decimalisation was being planned, but was never minted.

The new coins were initially marked with the wording NEW PENNY (singular) or NEW PENCE (plural). The word "new" was dropped in 1982. The symbol "p" was adopted to distinguish the new pennies from the old, which used the symbol "d" (from the Latin denarius, a coin used in the Roman Empire).

Post-1982 [edit]

In the years since decimalisation, a number of changes have been made to the coinage. The twenty pence (20p) coin was introduced in 1982 to fill the gap between the 10p and 50p coins. The pound coin (£1) was introduced in 1983 to replace the Bank of England £1 banknote which was discontinued in 1984 (although the Scottish banks continued producing them for some time afterwards; the last of them, the Royal Bank of Scotland £1 note, is still issued in a small volume as of 2021[ref]). The designs on the one pound coin changed annually in a largely five-year cycle, until the introduction of the new 12-sided pound coin in 2017.

The decimal half penny coin was demonetised in 1984 as its value was by then too small to be useful. The pre-decimal sixpence, shilling and two shilling coins, which had continued to circulate alongside the decimal coinage with values of 2+ 12 p, 5p and 10p respectively, were finally withdrawn in 1980, 1990 and 1993 respectively. The double florin and crown, with values of 20p and 25p respectively, have technically not been withdrawn, but in practice are never seen in general circulation.

In the 1990s, the Royal Mint reduced the sizes of the 5p, 10p, and 50p coins. As a consequence, the oldest 5p coins in circulation date from 1990, the oldest 10p coins from 1992 and the oldest 50p coins come from 1997. Since 1997, many special commemorative designs of 50p have been issued. Some of these are found fairly frequently in circulation and some are rare. They are all legal tender.

The specifications and dates of introduction of the 5p, 10p, and 50p coins refer to the current versions. These coins were originally issued in larger sizes in 1968 and 1969 respectively.

With their high copper content (97%), the intrinsic value of pre-1992 1p and 2p coins increased with the surge in metal prices of the mid-2000s, until by 2006 the coins would, if melted down, have been worth about 50% more than their face value.[15] (To do this, however, would be illegal, and they would have had to be melted in huge quantities, using quite a bit of energy, to achieve significant gain.) In later years, the price of copper fell considerably. Copper plated steel coins were introduced to replace them.

A circulating bimetallic two pound (£2) coin was introduced in 1998 (first minted in, and dated, 1997). There had previously been unimetallic commemorative £2 coins which did not normally circulate. This tendency to use the two pound coin for commemorative issues has continued since the introduction of the bimetallic coin, and a few of the older unimetallic coins have since entered circulation.

There are also commemorative issues of crowns. Before 1990, these had a face value of twenty-five pence (25p), equivalent to the five shilling crown used in pre-decimal Britain. However, in 1990 crowns were redenominated with a face value of five pounds (£5)[16] as the previous value was considered not sufficient for such a high-status coin. The size and weight of the coin remained exactly the same. Decimal crowns are generally not found in circulation as their market value is likely to be higher than their face value, but they remain legal tender.

2008 redesign [edit]

In 2008, UK coins underwent an extensive redesign, which changed the reverse designs, and some other details, of all coins except the £2.[17] The original intention was to exclude both the £1 and £2 coins from the redesign because they were "relatively new additions" to the coinage, but it was later decided to include the £1 coin.[18] This was the first wholesale change to British coinage since the first decimal coins were introduced in April 1968. The new coins were initially to be put into circulation in early 2008,[19] although they did not actually start to appear until mid-2008.

The major design feature was the introduction of a reverse design shared across six coins (1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p), that can be pieced together to form an image of the Royal Shield. This was the first time a coin design had been featured across multiple coins in this way.[17] Completing the set, the new £1 reverse featured the Shield in its entirety. The effigy of the Queen, by Ian Rank-Broadley, continued to appear on the obverse of all the coins[17] until 2015 when it was replaced by the fifth and latest portrait, designed by Jody Clark.

On all coins, the beading (ring of small dots) around the edge of the obverses has been removed. The obverse of the 20p coin has also been amended to incorporate the year, which had been on the reverse of the coin since its introduction in 1982 (giving rise to an unusual issue of a mule version without any date at all). The orientation of both sides of the 50p coin has been rotated through 180 degrees, meaning the bottom of the coin is now a corner rather than a flat edge. The numerals showing the decimal value of each coin, previously present on all coins except £2 and £1, have been removed, leaving the values spelled out in words only.

The redesign was the result of a competition launched by the Royal Mint in August 2005, which closed on 14 November 2005. The competition was open to the public and received over 4,000 entries.[17] The winning entry was unveiled on 2 April 2008, designed by Matthew Dent.[17] The Royal Mint stated the new designs were "reflecting a twenty-first century Britain".[19] An advisor to the Royal Mint described the new coins as "post-modern" and said that this was something that could not have been done 50 years previously.[20]

The redesign was criticised by some for having no specifically Welsh symbol (such as the Welsh Dragon), because the Royal Shield does not include a specifically Welsh symbol. Wrexham Member of Parliament (MP) Ian Lucas, who was also campaigning to have the Welsh Dragon included on the Union Flag, called the omission "disappointing", and stated that he would be writing to the Queen to request that the Royal Standard be changed to include Wales.[21] The Royal Mint stated that "the Shield of the Royal Arms is symbolic of the whole of the United Kingdom and as such, represents Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland."[21] Designer Dent stated "I am a Welshman and proud of it, but I never thought about the fact we did not have a dragon or another representation of Wales on the design because as far as I am concerned Wales is represented on the Royal Arms. This was never an issue for me."[21]

The designs were also criticised for not including a portrayal of Britannia, the female personification of Britain whose image has appeared on British coinage continuously since 1672.[22] In response to the concern over the loss of Britannia, the chairman of the Royal Mint Advisory Committee stated "There are 806 million Britannias in circulation at the moment [on the old 50p coin]. They will remain in circulation. They will see all of us out, until they die a natural death. So whatever happens, Britannia stays around".[17]

The Royal Mint's choice of an inexperienced coin designer to produce the new coinage was criticised by Virginia Ironside, daughter of Christopher Ironside who designed the previous UK coins. She stated that the new designs were "totally unworkable as actual coins", due to the loss of a numerical currency identifier, and the smaller typeface used.[23]

The German news magazine Der Spiegel claimed that the redesign signalled the UK's intention "not to join the euro any time soon".[24]

Steel 5p and 10p coins [edit]

As of 2012, 5p and 10p coins have been issued in nickel-plated steel, and much of the remaining cupronickel types withdrawn, in order to retrieve more expensive metals. The new coins are 11% thicker to maintain the same weight.[25] [26]

There are heightened nickel allergy concerns over the new coins. Studies commissioned by the Royal Mint found no increased discharge of nickel from the coins when immersed in artificial sweat. However, an independent study found that the friction from handling results in four times as much nickel exposure as from the older-style coins. Sweden already plans to desist from using nickel in coins from 2015.[27]

2016 £1 coin design change [edit]

In 2016, the £1 coin design was changed from a single-metal round shape to a 12-sided bi-metal design, with a slightly larger diameter. Production of the new coins started in 2016,[28] with the first, dated 2016, entering circulation 28 March 2017.[29]

Summary of denominations [edit]

Current [edit]

  • One penny (1p; £0.01), 1971–present
  • Two pence (2p; £0.02), 1971–present
  • Five pence (5p; £0.05), 1968–1990 (reduced to present size); 1990–present
  • Ten pence (10p; £0.10), 1968–1992 (reduced to present size); 1992–present
  • Twenty pence (20p; £0.20), 1982–present
  • Fifty pence (50p; £0.50), 1969–1997 (reduced to present size); 1997–present
  • One pound (£1.00), 1983–2016 (design changed from round coin to twelve-sided one),[30] 2017–present
  • Two pounds (£2.00), 1986–1997 (special issues); 1997–present (general issue – bimetallic)
  • Five pounds or crown (£5.00), 1990–present (special issues, not in common circulation though still legal tender)[1]
  • Twenty pounds (£20.00), 2013–present (special issues, not in common circulation though still legal tender)
  • Fifty pounds (£50.00), 2015–present (special issues, not in common circulation though still legal tender)
  • One hundred pounds (£100.00), 2015–present (special issues, not in common circulation though still legal tender)

Former [edit]

  • Half penny ( 12 p; £0.005) 1971–1984, demonetised since then
  • Twenty-five pence or crown (25p; £0.25), 1972–1981 (special issues, not in common circulation though still legal tender)

Specifications [edit]

Circulating coinage [edit]

Denomination Obverse Reverse Diameter Thickness Mass Composition Edge Introduced
One penny Queen Elizabeth II Crowned portcullis with chains
"New Penny" (1971–1981)
"One Penny" (1982–2008)

Segment of the Royal Arms (2008–present)

20.3 mm 1.52 mm 3.56 g Bronze (97% copper, 2.5% zinc, 0.5% tin) Smooth 1971
1.65 mm Copper-plated steel 1992
Two pence Plume of ostrich feathers within a coronet
"New Pence" (1971–1981)
"Two Pence" (1982–2008)

Segment of the Royal Arms (2008–present)

25.9 mm 1.85 mm 7.12 g Bronze 1971
2.03 mm Copper-plated steel 1992
Five pence [a] Queen Elizabeth II Crowned thistle 18 mm 1.7 mm (cupronickel)
1.89 mm (nickel-plated steel)
3.25 g Cupronickel (3:1) 1990–2011
Nickel-plated steel 2012–Present
Milled 1990
Segment of the Royal Arms 2008
Ten pence [a] Crowned lion 24.5 mm 1.85 mm (cupronickel)
2.05 mm (nickel-plated steel)
6.5 g Cupronickel (3:1) 1992–2012
Nickel-plated steel 2012–Present
Segment of the Royal Arms 2008
Twenty pence Crowned Tudor Rose 21.4 mm 1.7 mm 5 g Cupronickel (5:1) Smooth, Reuleaux heptagon 1982
Segment of the Royal Arms 2008
Fifty pence [a] Britannia and lion 27.3 mm 1.78 mm 8 g Cupronickel (3:1) Smooth, Reuleaux heptagon 1997
Various commemorative designs 1998
Segment of the Royal Arms 2008
One pound Queen Elizabeth II Rose, leek, thistle, and shamrock encircled by a coronet 23.03–23.43 mm 2.8 mm 8.75 g Inner: Nickel-plated alloy
Outer: Nickel-brass
Alternately milled and plain (12-sided) 28 March 2017[31]
Two pounds [b] Design by Bruce Rushin and various commemorative designers since 1999 28.4 mm 2.5 mm 12 g Inner: Cupronickel
Outer: Nickel-brass
Milled with variable inscription and/or decoration 1997 (issued 1998)


  1. ^ a b c The specifications and dates of introduction of the 5p, 10p, and 50p coins refer to the current versions. These coins were originally issued in larger sizes in 1968 and 1969 respectively.
  2. ^ This coin was originally issued in a smaller size in a single metal in 1986 for special issues only. It was redesigned as a bi-metallic issue for general circulation in 1997.

With their high copper content (97%), the intrinsic value of pre-1992 1p and 2p coins increased with the surge in metal prices of the mid-2000s, until by 2006 the coins, would, if melted down, have been worth about 50% more than their face value.[15] (To do this, however, would be illegal, and they would have had to be melted in huge quantities to achieve significant gain.) In subsequent years the price of copper fell considerably from these peaks.[33]

Commemorative issues [edit]

The following are commemorative issues and are seldom encountered in normal circulation due to their precious metal content.

Denomination Obverse Reverse Diameter Thickness Mass Composition Edge Introduced
Twenty-five pence Queen Elizabeth II No standard reverse design 38.61 mm 2.89 mm 31.10 g Silver Milled, with variable inscription 1972
28.28 g Cupronickel (5:1)
Five pounds 31.10 g Silver 1990
28.28 g Cupronickel
Ten pounds 65.0 mm 2.5 mm 155.5 g Silver Milled 2012
Twenty pounds 27.00 mm Unknown 15.71 g 2013
Fifty pounds Britannia 34.00 mm 31 g 2015
One hundred pounds Elizabeth Tower 'Big Ben' 40.00 mm 62.86 g

Obsolete coinage [edit]

The following decimal coins have been withdrawn from circulation and have ceased to be legal tender.

Denomination Obverse Reverse Diameter Thickness Mass Composition Edge Introduced Withdrawn
Half Penny Queen Elizabeth II St Edward's Crown 17.4 mm 1 mm 1.78 g Bronze Smooth 1971 1984
Five pence* Queen Elizabeth II Crowned Thistle 23.59 mm 1.7 mm 5.65 g Cupronickel Milled 1968 1990
Ten pence* Crowned Lion 28.5 mm 1.85 mm 11.31 g 1992
Fifty pence* Seated Britannia alongside a Lion 30.0 mm 2.5 mm 13.5 g Smooth, Reuleaux heptagon 1969 1997
Various commemorative designs 1973
One Pound Queen Elizabeth II Numerous different designs 22.5 mm 3.15 mm 9.5 g Nickel-brass Milled with variable inscription and/or decoration 1983 15 October 2017
Royal Shield 2008
Two pounds No standard reverse design 28.4 mm ~3 mm 15.98 g Nickel-brass 1986 1998

* The specifications and dates of 5p, 10p, and 50p coins refer to the larger sizes issued since 1968.

† The specification refers to the round coin issued from 1983–2016. Although obsolete, this coin is still redeemable at banks and the British railway systems, and is still legal tender on the Isle of Man.

UK designs [edit]

Obverse [edit]

All modern British coins feature a profile of the current monarch's head on the obverse. There has been only one monarch since decimalisation, Queen Elizabeth II, so her head appears on all decimal coins, facing to the right (see also Monarch's head, above). However, five different effigies have been used, reflecting the Queen's changing appearance as she has aged. These are the effigies by Mary Gillick (until 1968), Arnold Machin (1968–1984), Raphael Maklouf (1985–1997), Ian Rank-Broadley (1998–2015), and Jody Clark (from 2015).[34]

All current coins carry a Latin inscription whose full form is ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FIDEI DEFENSATRIX, meaning "Elizabeth II, by the grace of God, Queen and Defender of the Faith". The inscription appears on the coins in any of several abbreviated forms, typically ELIZABETH II D G REG F D.

From 2008, the circle of dots between the lettering and the rim was removed from the 1p, 2p, 5, and 10p and £1. It was never on the 20p and 50p, and is retained on the £2.

Original reverse designs [edit]

The original standard-issue decimal coinage reverse designs are as follows:

  • 12 p (discontinued 1984) — A crown, symbolising the monarch.
  • 1p – A crowned portcullis with chains (the badge of the Houses of Parliament).
  • 2p – The Prince of Wales's feathers: a plume of ostrich feathers within a coronet.
  • 5p – A crowned thistle, formally "The Badge of Scotland, a thistle royally crowned".
  • 10p – A crowned lion, part of the British Coat of Arms (and often is the national animal of England)
  • 20p – A crowned Tudor Rose, a traditional heraldic emblem of England (NB With incuse design and lettering).
  • 50p – Britannia and lion.
  • £1 – Numerous different designs (see below).
  • £2 – An abstract design of concentric circles, representing technological development from the Iron Age to the modern day electronic age.

Up until the 2008 redesign, the reverse designs of the one pound coin have followed a five-year cycle. This cycle successively represents, by using royal heraldic badges, each of the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom, namely Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England, with the Royal Coat of Arms used in every fifth year. From 2008 until 2016, a single design based on the Royal Coat of Arms was issued every year, with additional designs representing the nations issued sporadically.

Reverse designs (Images: [2])
Royal designs Themed designs
Theme Scotland Wales Northern Ireland England
1983: Royal Coat of Arms National plants 1984: Thistle 1985: Leek 1986: Flax 1987: Oak
1988: Royal Shield & Crown 1989: Thistle 1990: Leek 1991: Flax 1992: Oak
1993: Royal Coat of Arms National symbols 1994: Lion Rampant 1995: Welsh dragon 1996: Celtic cross 1997: The Three Lions
1998: Royal Coat of Arms 1999: Lion Rampant 2000: Welsh dragon 2001: Celtic cross 2002: The Three Lions
2003: Royal Coat of Arms Bridges 2004: Forth Bridge 2005: Menai Suspension Bridge 2006: MacNeill's Egyptian Arch 2007: Gateshead Millennium Bridge
2008–2016: Royal Shield Capitals 2011: Edinburgh 2011: Cardiff 2010: Belfast 2010: London
National plants 2014: Thistle & bluebell stem 2013: Leek & daffodil plant 2014: Shamrock & flax stem 2013: Rose & oak twig
2015: Royal Coat of Arms[35] Heraldic beasts 2016: A unicorn (for Scotland), a dragon (for Wales), an Irish elk (for Northern Ireland) and a lion (for England).[36]

Royal Shield reverse [edit]

The 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coin designs post 2008 each depicts a part of the Royal Shield, and form the whole shield when they are placed together in the appropriate arrangement. The Royal Shield is seen in its entirety on the £1 coin.[37]

  • The 1p coin depicts the lower part of the first quarter and the upper part of the third quarter of the shield, showing the lions passant of England and the harp of Ireland respectively
  • The 2p coin depicts most of the second quarter of the shield, showing the lion rampant of Scotland
  • The 5p coin depicts the centre of the shield, showing the meeting and parts of the constituent parts of the shield
  • The 10p coin depicts most of the first quarter of the shield, containing the three lions passant of England
  • The 20p coin depicts the lower part of the second quarter and upper part of the fourth quarter, showing the lion rampant of Scotland and the lions passant of England respectively
  • The 50p coin depicts the point of the shield and the bottom portions of the second and third quarters showing the harp of Ireland and lions passant of England respectively
  • The £1 coin depicts the whole of the Royal Shield
  • The standard-issue £2 coin design remains unchanged

Edge designs [edit]

The 1p, 2p, 20p and 50p coins have smooth edges. The 5p, 10p, £1 and £2 coins have milled edges. The milling, in combination with the non-circular shape of the 20p and 50p, serve as the primary means of identification and differentiation between coinage for blind or visually impaired people. Historically, milling also served to discourage coin clipping.

The £1 coin and £2 coins have, inscribed into the milling, words or a decoration related to their face design. Many issues of the £1 coin carry one of the following edge inscriptions:

  • DECUS ET TUTAMEN — Latin for "An ornament and a safeguard", a phrase taken from Virgil's Aeneid, and here referring to the fact that the inscription serves both as a decorative feature and as a safeguard against the clipping of the coin's edges (this is not a modern concern, but harks back to the days when circulating coins were made of precious metals). This appears on coins with English-themed, Northern Irish-themed or general UK-themed designs.
  • PLEIDIOL WYF I'M GWLAD — Welsh for "True am I to my country", from the Welsh national anthem. This appears on coins with Welsh-themed designs.
  • NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT — Latin for "No-one provokes me with impunity", the motto of the Order of the Thistle. This appears on coins with Scottish-themed designs.

The standard-issue £2 coin carries the edge inscription STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS. Other designs of the coin are issued from time to time to commemorate special events or anniversaries. These may have special edge inscriptions relevant to the theme, or the edge inscription may be replaced by a decorative motif.

Commemorative designs [edit]

Circulating fifty pence and two pound coins have been issued with various commemorative reverse designs, typically to mark the anniversaries of historical events or the births of notable people.

Three commemorative designs were issued of the large version of the 50p: in 1973 (the EEC), 1992–3 (EC presidency) and 1994 (D-Day anniversary). Commemorative designs of the smaller 50p coin have been issued (alongside the Britannia standard issue) in 1998 (two designs), 2000, and from 2003 to 2007 yearly (two designs in 2006). For a complete list, see Fifty pence (British decimal coin).

Prior to 1997, the two pound coin was minted in commemorative issues only – in 1986, 1989, 1994, 1995 and 1996. Commemorative £2 coins have been regularly issued since 1999, alongside the standard-issue bi-metallic coins which were introduced in 1997. One or two designs have been minted each year, with the exception of none in 2000, and four regional 2002 issues marking the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester. As well as a distinct reverse design, these coins have an edge inscription relevant to the subject. The anniversary themes are continued until at least 2009, with two designs announced. For a complete list, see Two pounds (British decimal coin).

Non-UK coinage [edit]

The British Islands (red) and overseas territories (blue) using the Pound or their local issue.

Outside the United Kingdom, the British Crown Dependencies of Jersey and Guernsey use the pound sterling as their currencies. However, they produce local issues of coinage in the same denominations and specifications, but with different designs. These circulate freely alongside UK coinage and English, Northern Irish, and Scottish banknotes within these territories, but must be converted in order to be used in the UK. The island of Alderney also produces occasional commemorative coins. (See coins of the Jersey pound, coins of the Guernsey pound, and Alderney pound for details.). The Isle of Man is a unique case among the Crown Dependencies, issuing its own currency, the Manx pound.[ citation needed ] While the Isle of Man recognises the Pound Sterling as a secondary currency, coins of the Manx pound are not legal tender in the UK.

The pound sterling is also the official currency of the British overseas territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,[38] British Antarctic Territory[39] and Tristan da Cunha.[40] South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands produces occasional special collectors' sets of coins.[41] In 2008, British Antarctic Territory issued a £2 coin commemorating the centenary of Britain's claim to the region.[42]

The currencies of the British overseas territories of Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands and Saint Helena/Ascension — namely the Gibraltar pound, Falkland Islands pound and Saint Helena pound — are pegged one-to-one to the pound sterling but are technically separate currencies. These territories issue their own coinage, again with the same denominations and specifications as the UK coinage but with local designs, as coins of the Gibraltar pound, coins of the Falkland Islands pound and coins of the Saint Helena pound.

The other British overseas territories do not use the pound as their official currency.

Non-circulating coins [edit]

25p and £5 coins [edit]

Although these coins are in practice very rarely found in circulation, they are for convenience described with the circulating coins, above.

Maundy money [edit]

Maundy money is a ceremonial coinage traditionally given to the poor, and nowadays awarded annually to deserving senior citizens. There are Maundy coins in denominations of one, two, three and four pence. They bear dates from 1822 to the present and are minted in very small quantities. Though they are legal tender in the UK, they are never encountered in circulation. The pre-decimal Maundy pieces have the same legal tender status and value as post-decimal ones, and effectively increased in face value by 140% upon decimalisation. Their numismatic value is much greater.

Maundy coins still bear the original portrait of the Queen as used in the circulating coins of the first years of her reign.

Bullion coinage [edit]

The traditional bullion coin issued by Britain is the gold sovereign, formerly a circulating coin representing 20 shillings (or one pound), but now with a nominal value of one pound. The Royal Mint continues to produce sovereigns, as well as quarter sovereigns (introduced in 2009), half sovereigns, double sovereigns and quintuple sovereigns.

Between 1987 and 2012 a series of bullion coins, the Britannia, was issued, containing 1-troy-ounce (31 g), 12 -troy-ounce (16 g), 14 -troy-ounce (7.8 g), and 110 -troy-ounce (3.1 g) of fine gold at a millesimal fineness of 916 (22 carat) and with face values of £100, £50, £25, and £10.

Since 2013 Britannia bullion contains 1-troy-ounce (31 g) of fine gold at a millesimal fineness of 999 (24 carat).

Between 1997 and 2012 silver bullion coins have also been produced under the name "Britannias". The alloy used was Britannia silver (millesimal fineness 958). The silver coins were available in 1-troy-ounce (31 g), 12 -troy-ounce (16 g), 14 -troy-ounce (7.8 g), and 110 -troy-ounce (3.1 g) sizes. Since 2013 the alloy used is silver at a (millesimal fineness 999).

In 2016 the Royal Mint launched a series of 10 Queen's Beasts bullion coins,[43] one for each beast available in both gold and silver.

The Royal Mint also issues silver, gold and platinum proof sets of the circulating coins, as well as gift products such as gold coins set into jewellery.

Pre-decimal coinage [edit]

Two shilling coin, or florin, 1949

Shilling, 1956, showing English and Scottish reverses

For further information about the history of pre-decimal coinage, see Pound sterling and Decimal Day.

System [edit]

Before decimalisation in 1971, the pound was divided into 240 pence rather than 100, though it was rarely expressed in this way. Rather it was expressed in terms of pounds, shillings and pence, where:

  • £1 = 20 shillings (20s).
  • 1 shilling = 12 pence (12d).

Thus: £1 = 240 pence. The penny was further subdivided at various times, though these divisions vanished as inflation made them irrelevant:

  • 1 penny = 2 halfpennies and (earlier) 4 farthings (half farthing, a third of a farthing, and quarter farthing coins were minted in the late 19th century, and into the early 20th century in the case of the third farthing, but circulated only in certain British colonies and not in the UK).

Using the example of five shillings and sixpence, the standard ways of writing shillings and pence were:

  • 5s 6d
  • 5/6
  • 5/- for 5 shillings only, with the dash to stand for zero pennies.

The sum of 5/6 would be spoken as "five shillings and sixpence" or "five and six".

The abbreviation for the old penny, d, was derived from the Roman denarius, and the abbreviation for the shilling, s, from the Roman solidus. The shilling was also denoted by the slash symbol, also called a solidus for this reason, which was originally an adaptation of the long s.[44] The symbol "£", for the pound, is derived from the first letter of the Latin word for pound, libra.[45]

A similar pre-decimal system operated in France, also based on the Roman currency, consisting of the livre (L), sol or sou (s) and denier (d). Until 1816 another similar system was used in the Netherlands, consisting of the gulden (G), stuiver (s; 120  G) and duit, (d; 18  s or 1160  G).

Denominations [edit]

In the years just prior to decimalisation, the circulating British coins were:

Denomination Obverse Reverse Diameter Thickness Mass Composition Edge Introduced Withdrawn
Farthing ( 14 d) Various Monarchs Wren (Britannia on early mintages) 20.19 mm 2.83g Bronze Smooth 1860 1961
Half penny ( 12 d) Golden Hind (Britannia on early mintages) 25.48 mm 5.67g 1969
Penny (1d) Britannia 31 mm 1971
Threepence (3d) King George VI 1937–1952
Queen Elizabeth II 1953–1971
Thrift until 1952 Crowned portcullis with chains 21.0–21.8 mm 2.5 mm 6.8g Nickel-brass Plain (12-sided) 1937 1971
Sixpence (6d) King George VI 1946–1952
Queen Elizabeth II 1953–1971
Crowned royal cypher until 1952 Floral design – Four Home Nations 19.41 mm 2.83g Cupronickel Milled 1947 1980
Shilling (1/-) Crowned lion on Tudor crown or Crowned lion standing on Scottish crown until 1952 Coat of Arms of England or Scotland 23.60 mm 1.7 mm 5.66g 1990
Florin (2/-) Crowned rose flanked by a thistle and shamrock until 1952 Rose encircled by thistle, leek and shamrock 28.5 mm 1.85 mm 11.31g 1992
Half crown (2/6) Royal Shield flanked by crowned royal cypher until 1952 Crowned Royal Shield 32.31 mm 14.14g 1969
Crown (5/-) Various commemorative designs 38 mm 2.89 mm 28.28g 1951 Present

The farthing ( 14 d) had been demonetised on 1 January 1961, whilst the crown (5/-) was issued periodically as a commemorative coin but rarely found in circulation.

The crown, half crown, florin, shilling, and sixpence were cupronickel coins (in historical times silver or silver alloy); the penny, halfpenny, and farthing were bronze; and the threepence was a twelve-sided nickel-brass coin (historically it was a small silver coin).

Some of the pre-decimalisation coins with exact decimal equivalent values continued in use after 1971 alongside the new coins, albeit with new names (the shilling became equivalent to the 5p coin, with the florin equating to 10p), and the others were withdrawn almost immediately. The use of florins and shillings as legal tender in this way ended in 1991 and 1993 when the 5p and 10p coins were replaced with smaller versions. Indeed, while pre-decimalisation shillings were used as 5p coins, for a while after decimalisation many people continued to call the new 5p coin a shilling, since it remained 120 of a pound, but was now counted as 5p (five new pence) instead of 12d (twelve old pennies). The pre-decimalisation sixpence, also known as a sixpenny bit or sixpenny piece, was equivalent to 2+ 12 p, but was demonetised in 1980.

Pre-decimal coins of the pound sterling

Five pounds

Double sovereign



Half crown









Half farthing

Third farthing

Quarter farthing

Five pounds 1 2+ 12 5 20 40 50 100 200 300 400 1200 2400 4800 9600 14400 19200
Double sovereign 25 1 2 8 16 20 40 80 120 160 480 960 1920 3840 5760 7680
Sovereign 15 12 1 4 8 10 20 40 60 80 240 480 960 1920 2880 3840
Crown 120 18 14 1 2 2+ 12 5 10 15 20 60 120 240 480 720 960
Half crown 140 116 18 12 1 1+ 14 2+ 12 5 7+ 12 10 30 60 120 240 360 480
Florin 150 120 110 25 45 1 2 4 6 8 24 48 96 192 288 384
Shilling 1100 140 120 15 25 12 1 2 3 4 12 24 48 96 144 192
Sixpence 1200 180 140 110 15 14 12 1 1+ 12 2 6 12 24 48 72 96
Groat 1300 1120 160 115 215 16 13 23 1 1+ 13 4 8 16 32 48 64
Threepence 1400 1160 180 120 110 18 14 12 34 1 3 6 12 24 36 48
Penny 11200 1480 1240 160 130 124 112 16 14 13 1 2 4 8 12 16
Halfpenny 12400 1960 1480 1120 160 148 124 112 18 16 12 1 2 4 6 8
Farthing 14800 11920 1960 1240 1120 196 148 124 116 112 14 12 1 2 3 4
Half farthing 19600 13840 11920 1480 1240 1192 196 148 136 124 18 14 12 1 1+ 12 2
Third farthing 114400 15760 12880 1720 1360 1288 1144 172 148 136 112 16 13 23 1 1+ 13
Quarter farthing 119200 17680 13840 1960 1480 1384 1192 196 172 148 116 18 14 12 34 1

Visualisation of some British currency terms before decimalisation

Slang and everyday usage [edit]

Some pre-decimalisation coins or denominations became commonly known by colloquial and slang terms, perhaps the most well known being bob for a shilling, and quid for a pound. A farthing was a mag, a silver threepence was a joey and the later nickel-brass threepence was called a threepenny bit ( or bit, i.e. thrup'ny or threp'ny bit – the apostrophe was pronounced on a scale from full "e" down to complete omission); a sixpence was a tanner, the two-shilling coin or florin was a two-bob bit. Bob is still used in phrases such as "earn/worth a bob or two",[46] and "bob‐a‐job week". The two shillings and sixpence coin or half-crown was a half-dollar, also sometimes referred to as two and a kick. A value of two pence was universally pronounced tuppence, a usage which is still heard today, especially among older people. The unaccented suffix "-pence", pronounced , was similarly appended to the other numbers up to twelve; thus "fourpence", "sixpence-three-farthings", "twelvepence-ha'penny", but "eighteen pence" would usually be said "one-and-six".

Quid remains as popular slang for one or more pounds to this day in Britain in the form "a quid" and then "two quid", and so on. Similarly, in some parts of the country, bob continued to represent one-twentieth of a pound, that is five new pence, and two bob is 10p.[47]

The introduction of decimal currency caused a new casual usage to emerge, where any value in pence is spoken using the suffix pee: e.g. "twenty-three pee" or, in the early years, "two-and-a-half pee" rather than the previous "tuppence-ha'penny". Amounts over a pound are normally spoken thus: "five pounds forty". A value with less than ten pence over the pound is sometimes spoken like this: "one pound and a penny", "three pounds and fourpence". The slang term "bit" has almost disappeared from use completely, although in Scotland a fifty pence is sometimes referred to as a "ten bob bit". Decimal denomination coins are generally described using the terms piece or coin, for example, "a fifty-pee piece", a "ten-pence coin".

Coins in the colonies [edit]

Some coins made for circulation in the British colonies are considered part of British coinage because they have no indication of what country it was minted for and they were made in the same style as contemporary coins circulating in the United Kingdom.

A three halfpence (1+ 12 pence, 1 / 160 of a pound) coin was circulated mainly in the West Indies and Ceylon in the starting in 1834. Jamaicans referred to the coin as a "quatty".[48]

The half farthing ( 1 / 8 of a penny, 1 / 1920 of a pound) coin was initially minted in 1828 for use in Ceylon, but was declared legal tender in the United Kingdom in 1842.[49]

The third farthing ( 1 / 12 of a penny, 1 / 2880 of a pound) coin was minted for use in Malta, starting in 1827..[49]

The quarter farthing ( 1 / 16 of a penny, 1 / 3840 of a pound) coin was minted for use in Ceylon starting in 1839.[49]

Minting errors reaching circulation [edit]

Coins with errors in the minting process that reach circulation are often seen as valuable items by coin collectors.

In 1983, the Royal Mint mistakenly produced some two pence pieces with the old wording "New Pence" on the reverse (tails) side, when the design had been changed from 1982 to "Two Pence".

In 2016, a batch of double-dated £1 coins was released into circulation. These coins had the main date on the obverse stating '2017', but the micro-engraving having '2016' on it. it is not known how many exist and are in circulation, but the amount is less than half a million.

In June 2009, the Royal Mint estimated that between 50,000 and 200,000 dateless 20 pence coins had entered circulation, the first undated British coin to enter circulation in more than 300 years. It resulted from the accidental combination of old and new face tooling in a production batch, creating what is known as a mule, following the 2008 redesign which moved the date from the reverse (tails) to the obverse (heads) side.[50]

Regal titles [edit]

From a very early date, British coins have been inscribed with the name of the ruler of the kingdom in which they were produced, and a longer or shorter title, always in Latin; among the earliest distinctive English coins are the silver pennies of Offa of Mercia, which were inscribed with the legend OFFA REX "King Offa". As the legends became longer, words in the inscriptions were often abbreviated so that they could fit on the coin; identical legends have often been abbreviated in different ways depending upon the size and decoration of the coin. Inscriptions which go around the edge of the coin generally have started at the center of the top edge and proceeded in a clockwise direction. A very lengthy legend would be continued on the reverse side of the coin. All but Edward III and both Elizabeths use Latinised names (which would have been EDWARDUS and ELIZABETHA respectively).

Examples of coinage legends
Latin text English text Notes
EDWARD DEI GRA REX ANGL Z FRANC D HYB(E) Edward III, by the grace of God King of England and France, Lord of Ireland
EDWARD DEI GRA REX ANGL DNS HYB Z ACQ Edward, by the grace of God King of England, Lord of Ireland and Aquitaine Used after the Treaty of Brétigny (1360) when Edward III temporarily gave up his claim to the French throne.
EDWARD DEI G REX ANG Z FRA DNS HYB Z ACT Edward, by the grace of God King of England and France, Lord of Ireland and Aquitaine. Used after Anglo-French relations broke down and Edward III resumed his claim.
HENRICUS VII DEI GRATIA REX ANGLIÆ & FRANCIÆ Henry VII by the Grace of God, King of England and France France had been claimed by the English continuously since 1369.
HENRICUS VIII DEI GRATIA REX ANGLIÆ & FRANCIÆ Henry VIII by the Grace of God, King of England and France The Arabic numeral 8 was also used instead of the Roman VIII.
HENRICUS VIII DEI GRATIA ANGLIÆ FRANCIÆ & HIBERNIÆ REX Henry VIII by the Grace of God, Of England, France and Ireland, King Used after Henry VIII made Ireland a kingdom in 1541. The Arabic numeral 8 was also used instead of the Roman VIII.
PHILIPPUS ET MARIA DEI GRATIA REX & REGINA Philip and Mary by the Grace of God, King and Queen The names of the realms were omitted from the coin for reasons of space.
ELIZABETH DEI GRATIA ANGLIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REGINA Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, of England, France, and Ireland, Queen
IACOBUS DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King James, King of Scotland, by succeeding to the English throne united the two kingdoms in his person; he dubbed the combination of the two kingdoms "Great Britain" (the name of the whole island) though they remained legislatively distinct for more than a century afterwards.
CAROLUS DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX Charles, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King
OLIVARIUS DEI GRATIA REIPUBLICÆ ANGLIÆ SCOTIÆ HIBERNIÆ & CETERORUM PROTECTOR Oliver, by the Grace of God, of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, Ireland etc., Protector Cromwell ruled as a monarch but did not claim the title of king.
CAROLUS II DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX Charles II, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King
IACOBUS II DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX James II, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King
GULIELMUS ET MARIA DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX ET REGINA William and Mary by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King and Queen The spouses William and Mary ruled jointly.
GULIELMUS III DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX William III by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King William continued to rule alone after his wife's death.
ANNA DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REGINA Anne by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Queen
GEORGIUS DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX FIDEI DEFENSOR BRUNSVICENSIS ET LUNEBURGENSIS DUX SACRI ROMANI IMPERII ARCHITHESAURARIUS ET ELECTOR George by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, of Brunswick and Lüneburg Duke, of the Holy Roman Empire Archtreasurer and Elector George I added the titles he already possessed as Elector of Hanover. He also added the title "Defender of the Faith", which had been borne by the English kings since Henry VIII, but which had previously only rarely appeared on coins.
GEORGIUS II DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX FIDEI DEFENSOR BRUNSVICENSIS ET LUNEBURGENSIS DUX SACRI ROMANI IMPERII ARCHITHESAURARIUS ET ELECTOR George II by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, of Brunswick and Lüneburg Duke, of the Holy Roman Empire Archtreasurer and Elector
GEORGIUS III DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX FIDEI DEFENSOR BRUNSVICENSIS ET LUNEBURGENSIS DUX SACRI ROMANI IMPERII ARCHITHESAURARIUS ET ELECTOR George III by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, of Brunswick and Lüneburg Duke, of the Holy Roman Empire Archtreasurer and Elector
GEORGIUS III DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM REX FIDEI DEFENSOR George III, by the Grace of God, of the Britains King, Defender of the Faith The Acts of Union united Great Britain and Ireland into a single kingdom, represented on the coinage by the Latin genitive plural Britanniarum ("of the Britains", often abbreviated BRITT). At the same time, the claim to the throne of France was dropped and other titles were omitted from the coinage.
GEORGIUS IIII (IV) DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM REX FIDEI DEFENSOR George IV, by the Grace of God, of the Britains King, Defender of the Faith The Roman numeral "4" is represented by both IIII and IV in different issues.
GULIELMUS IIII DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM REX FIDEI DEFENSOR William IV, by the Grace of God, of the Britains King, Defender of the Faith
VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM REGINA FIDEI DEFENSATRIX Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the Britains Queen, Defender of the Faith
VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM REGINA FIDEI DEFENSATRIX INDIÆ IMPERATRIX Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the Britains Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India Queen Victoria was granted the title "Empress of India" in 1876.
EDWARDUS VII DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM OMNIUM REX FIDEI DEFENSOR INDIÆ IMPERATOR Edward VII, by the Grace of God, of all the Britains King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India Edward VII's coins added OMNIUM ("all") after "Britains" to imply a rule over the British overseas colonies as well as the United Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
GEORGIUS V DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM OMNIUM REX FIDEI DEFENSOR INDIÆ IMPERATOR George V, by the Grace of God, of all the Britains King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India
GEORGIUS VI DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM OMNIUM REX FIDEI DEFENSOR INDIÆ IMPERATOR George VI, by the Grace of God, of all the Britains King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India
GEORGIUS VI DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM OMNIUM REX FIDEI DEFENSOR George VI, by the Grace of God, of all the Britains King, Defender of the Faith The title "Emperor of India" was relinquished in 1948, after the independence of India and Pakistan.
ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM OMNIUM REGINA FIDEI DEFENSATRIX Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of all the Britains Queen, Defender of the Faith
ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FIDEI DEFENSATRIX Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, Queen, Defender of the Faith The "of all the Britains" was dropped from the coinage in 1954, and current coins do not name any realm.

Mottos [edit]

In addition to the title, a Latin or French motto might be included, generally on the reverse side of the coin. These varied between denominations and issues; some were personal to the monarch, others were more general. Some of the mottos were:

  • POSUI DEUM ADIUTOREM MEUM "I have made God my helper". Coins of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I. Possibly refers to Psalm 52:7, Ecce homo qui non-posuit Deum adjutorem suum "Behold the man who did not make God his helper".
  • RUTILANS ROSA SINE SPINA "A dazzling rose without a thorn". Coins of Henry VIII and Edward VI. Initially on the unsuccessful and very rare Crown of the Rose of Henry VIII and continued on subsequent small gold coinage into the reign of Edward VI.
  • POSUIMUS DEUM ADIUTOREM NOSTRUM "We have made God our helper". Coins of Philip and Mary. The same as above, but with a plural subject.
  • FACIAM EOS IN GENTEM UNAM "I shall make them into one nation". Coins of James I, signifying his desire to unite the English and Scottish nations. Refers to Ezekiel 37:2 in the Vulgate Bible.
  • CHRISTO AUSPICE REGNO "I reign with Christ as my protector". Coins of Charles I.
  • EXURGAT DEUS DISSIPENTUR INIMICI "May God rise up, may [his] enemies be scattered". Coins of Charles I, during the Civil War. Refers to Psalm 67:1 in the Vulgate Bible (Psalm 68 in English Bible numbering).
  • PAX QUÆRITUR BELLO "Peace is sought by war". Coins of the Protectorate; personal motto of Oliver Cromwell.
  • BRITANNIA "Britain". Reign of Charles II to George III. Found on pennies and smaller denominations.
  • HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE. "Shamed be he who thinks ill of it." Sovereigns of George III. Motto of the Order of the Garter.
  • DECUS ET TUTAMEN. "A decoration and protection." Some pound coins of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and some crown coins including some of Victoria and George V. Refers to the inscribed edge as a protection against the clipping of precious metal, as well as being a complimentary reference to the monarch and the monarchy.

See also [edit]

  • Banknotes of the pound sterling
  • List of British bank notes and coins
  • Non-decimal currency
  • One hundred pounds (British coin)
  • Roman currency
  • Mark (money)
  • Twenty pounds (British coin)

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Discover The UK's Circulating Coin Mintage Figures | Royal Mint". www.royalmint.com . Retrieved 10 July 2020.
  2. ^ "Coins – Collector Gold & Silver Coins & Limited Edition Gifts". The Royal Mint. Archived from the original on 10 February 2005.
  3. ^ "Llantrisant". Royal Mint. 2012. Archived from the original on 16 November 2011. Retrieved 28 January 2012. In April 1967 it was announced that the new Royal Mint would be built at Llantrisant in South Wales.
  4. ^ "National Museums of Scotland – Balance and scales (detail)". Archived from the original on 9 April 2009.
  5. ^ The 1696 Recoinage (1696–1699) Archived 14 January 2010 at the Wayback Machine, Richard Kleer, University of Regina, The Literary Encyclopedia
  6. ^ a b Newton and the Counterfeiter, Thomas Levenson, Faber & Faber, ISBN 978-0-571-22992-5
  7. ^ The Scottish Mint after the recoinage, 1709–1836 Archived 22 August 2009 at Wikiwix, Athol L Murray, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1999
  8. ^ Sir Isaac Newton and the Scottish recoinage, 1707–10 Archived 21 August 2009 at Wikiwix, Athol L Murray, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1997
  9. ^ On the Value of Gold and Silver in European Currencies and the Consequences on the World-wide Gold- and Silver-Trade Archived 28 January 2017 at the Wayback Machine, Sir Isaac Newton, 21 September 1717.
  10. ^ By The King, A Proclamation Declaring the Rates at which Gold shall be current in Payments reproduced in the numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, Vol V., April 1842 – January 1843
  11. ^ Coins with Cromwell's image were first minted in 1656 by Pierre Blondeau.
  12. ^ "Rare Edward VIII coin showing profile of monarch's 'better side' goes on display". BT.com . Retrieved 13 October 2019.
  13. ^ "How can I dispose of commemorative crowns? And why do some have a higher face value than others?". The Royal Mint Museum. Archived from the original on 13 April 2020. Retrieved 22 November 2019.
  14. ^ "Mintage Figures". The Royal Mint. Archived from the original on 17 May 2013.
  15. ^ a b "Why coppers are rising in value", The Times, 12 May 2006
  16. ^ Corporate FAQs Archived 11 November 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  17. ^ a b c d e f "Royal Mint unveils coin designs". BBC News. 2 April 2008. Archived from the original on 25 June 2009. Retrieved 15 September 2009.
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  19. ^ a b "New Designs, Spring of 2008". Royal Mint. Archived from the original on 1 May 2008. Retrieved 1 June 2008.
  20. ^ "Your Change is Changing". Bulletin. Royal Mint (107): 6. 2008. [Stephen Raw said] "We couldn't have had post-modern designs like this 50 years ago – the public simply wouldn't have accepted them
  21. ^ a b c "Wales short-changed by new coin designs" Archived 13 May 2008 at the Wayback Machine, Daily Post (North Wales), 3 April 2008
  22. ^ "Birmingham MP's crusade to bring back Britannia on coins" Archived 8 April 2009 at the Wayback Machine, Birmingham Post, 9 February 2009
  23. ^ Ironside, Virginia (6 April 2008). "I hate the new coins. My father must be turning in his grave". The Independent . Retrieved 6 May 2020.
  24. ^ "Make Way for Britain's New Coin Designs". Archived from the original on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 17 May 2008.
  25. ^ "Cupro Nickel Replacement Programme". Archived from the original on 10 July 2014. Retrieved 1 September 2014.
  26. ^ "Treasury 'should foot coin change bill'". BBC News. 5 November 2011. Archived from the original on 5 November 2011. Retrieved 5 November 2011.
  27. ^ Anna Lacey (22 June 2013). "A bad penny? New coins and nickel allergy". BBC Health Check. Archived from the original on 7 August 2013. Retrieved 25 July 2013.
  28. ^ "Royal Mint starts new £1 coin production". 31 March 2016.
  29. ^ "£1 Coin | the Royal Mint".
  30. ^ "The New £1 Coin Is Here – Nationwide". www.nationwide.co.uk. Archived from the original on 9 May 2018. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
  31. ^ "New 12-sided pound coin to enter circulation in March". BBC News. 1 January 2017. Archived from the original on 31 March 2017. Retrieved 29 March 2017.
  32. ^ "One Penny Coin". The Royal Mint. Archived from the original on 30 August 2009.
  33. ^ Copper price graphs Archived 7 November 2008 at the Wayback Machine, LME
  34. ^ The Fifth Definitive Coinage Portrait First Edition Archived 3 March 2015 at the Wayback Machine Royal Mint (www.royalmint.com). Retrieved on 2015-03-03.
  35. ^ The Royal Arms 1-pound coin Archived 3 April 2015 at the Wayback Machine Royal Mint (www.royalmint.com). Retrieved on 10 January 2016.
  36. ^ Blog: The 2016 UK coin designs revealed Archived 13 January 2016 at Wikiwix Royal Mint (www.royalmint.com). Retrieved on 10 January 2016.
  37. ^ Royal Mint Archived 4 April 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  38. ^ "Foreign and Commonwealth Office country profiles: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands". fco.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 22 April 2009. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
  39. ^ "Foreign and Commonwealth Office country profiles: British Antarctic Territory". fco.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 21 November 2008. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
  40. ^ "Foreign and Commonwealth Office country profiles: Tristan da Cunha". fco.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 30 June 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
  41. ^ "Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands". Archived from the original on 12 November 2002.
  42. ^ The British Antarctic Territory Currency Archived 19 April 2010 at the Wayback Machine, Antarctic Heritage Trust
  43. ^ "The Queen's Beasts are brought to life in a new bullion coin range", Royal Mint Blog, 31 March 2016, archived from the original on 2 April 2016, retrieved 1 April 2016
  44. ^ Quiddities: An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary, p. 126, W. V. Quine, 1989
  45. ^ "Ask Oxford". Archived from the original on 29 March 2007.
  46. ^ ""bob or two" – Google Search".
  47. ^ David Jones (7 April 2008). "Two Bob Trouble". Blogspot.
  48. ^ Chalmers, Robert (1893). A History of Currency in the British Colonies. London, UK: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. p. 110. Retrieved 15 November 2014.
  49. ^ a b c "Fractional Farthings".
  50. ^ Bingham, John (29 June 2009). "Mix-up at Royal Mint creates dateless 20p pieces worth £50". The Telegraph. Archived from the original on 2 July 2009. Retrieved 29 June 2009.

External links [edit]

  • Clayton, Tony: Coins of England and Great Britain
  • Chard, Juliana: Common Names of British Coin Denominations
  • UK Coin Designs and Specifications from the Royal Mint's website
  • Coin Designs — Royal Mint competition designs
  • United Kingdom: Coins Issued and Used – list of all UK coins, with photos and descriptions
  • Old Money Converter – converts £sd to decimal currency
  • Old Money Converter 2 – converts decimal currency to £sd

What Year Did the Pound Coin Come Out

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coins_of_the_pound_sterling

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